Animal Bowen Therapy
Bowen Therapy
Equine Bowen Therapy
What people are saying…
Martin Bryan - "I was completely taken aback after my first session when I started to feel the results!"
Lorna Hingley - Professional rider - " Overall I love Bowen and would always use it as my primary treatment and therapy before anything else."
Trace Rogers - Triathlete - " I would definitely recommend the treatment"
I have recently received a series of Bowen Therapy sessions from Genevieve. I came to see her as I am Asthmatic. Since seeing her, I am delighted to say that all Asthma symptoms have disappeared and I have gone from having to use Ventolin 4 times a day to not using it in over a month.
I found Gen to be very professional in the way that she prepared me for the sessions. She supplied me with sufficient reading material on the subject and then was very thorough in explaining the process to me and making me feel at ease.
The treatment itself was a wonderfully relaxing experience. Other than being useful for the treatment of Asthma, I found that this was a fantastic opportunity for my body to receive complete rest that it was craving.
I would definitely recommend the treatment as well as Genevieve as a Bowen Practitioner and I believe that she will be very successful in this journey.
Emmeline Bickerstaffe - " Even after my first session I noticed I was sleeping better, and felt more positive"
Louise Duggan - "Feel much better overall...."
Having completed three weeks of Bowen therapy, I have become aware of some very interesting changes. I was surprised at how tired I felt after the last treatment and took this as my body working through the treatments I have received. My lower back pain, which has been troublesome for years feels much better and I have been riding my horse without a back brace without the pain I used to experience. I can’t get over how much better my anxiety feels. Its as if space was created where I can gather a sense of perspective. My asthma feels more settled and I am not waking up with such pain in my jaw from teeth grinding.
It has been such an interesting experience as I still cannot fully understand how this works, but I certainly feel much better overall and would recommend this therapy as a way to feel a sense of balance while working on specific problems and concerns.
Karen - "He manages to focus for longer at school"
– Mother of James, 13 year old autistic child suffering with digestive problems.
1. Digestion
There is an improvement in digestion. He is still very thin but has grown a lot in length. Lot less night vomiting and also less inflammation (no vomiting phlegm for some time now)
2. Swallowing
We have seen some improvement in swallowing as he can tolerate more course textures. He does still have a strong gag reflex
3. Sleep Patterns
He does sleep well. He didn’t have any sleeping problems before. Sometimes still wake up early but does manage to go back to sleep.
4. Is there a reduction in anxiety and stress
Yes, able to manage anxiety better (NervExpress software) shows improved levels in parasympathetic and sympathetic.
5. Is there a reduction in anger / rage episodes (if applicable)
He still has some episodes but this can also be related to age and personality. Chirology done at age 4-5 showed his in his personality that he angers quickly.
He shows less resistance to go to therapy sessions at school
6. Concentration
Seem to be improved. He manages to focus for longer at school
7. Is there a loss of some obsessive or repetitive behaviours
Not struggling with repetitive behaviours. Still struggling with his obsession of pushing shopping trolleys and putting baskets back in supermarkets
8. Does he show an increase in eye contact
He still tends to avoid eye contact if he doesn’t want to do a task
9. Has his interaction improved
Not struggled with this, always been social
10. Any increase in use of language
Language/vocabulary is improving
11. Has his comprehension improved
Still struggling with instructions. Comprehension of stories at school good
12. Is there and improvement in co-ordination (walking, cycling etc.)
Yes. Can now cycle. Balance on one leg and jumping also improved
13. Any effect on hyperactivity
Still active and struggling with impulse control
14. Did he walk on his toes and is there any improvement
Not applicable
15. Is there a reduction in abusive behaviour on himself or property (if applicable) No self-abuse. Will throw something in anger, but has reduced
16. Has family life improved?
Since he is less sick (vomiting), there is a definite improvement as that has also improved his behaviour
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